Store » Tennant, Scott. Pumping Nylon: Complete Edition. Book, DVD & CD

Tennant, Scott. Pumping Nylon: Complete Edition. Book, DVD & CD


World-class classical guitarist and well-respected educator Scott Tennant presents the most comprehensive technique handbook available for classical guitarists.  This complete edition combines all three volumes of Scott’s best-selling Pumping Nylon series.  In addition to technical information not available elsewhere, it includes classic etudes by Carcassi, Giuliani, Sor, and Tarrega; musical examples by Bach, Turina, and Rodrigo; and original compositions by Andrew York and Brian Head.  Learn easy to advanced repertoire pieces that are selected and designed to work with the various techniques addressed, including arpeggios, tremolo, scale velocity, and more.  The included DVD features Scott Tennant, and the MP3 CD features the playing of Scott Tennant and Adam del Monte.


SKU: 003351 Category:


Scott Tennant,  ”Pumping Nylon:  Complete Edition.  The Classical Guitarist’s Technique Handbook”.
Series: Pumping Nylon Series.
Set Book/DVD/CD.  223 Pages.
Editor:  Nathaniel Gunod.
Publisher: Alfred Publishing Company, Inc.