Store » Cordero, Ernesto. Perugia & La Catedral de Taxco

Cordero, Ernesto. Perugia & La Catedral de Taxco


*  For Solo Guitar


SKU: 003199 Category:


Ernesto Cordero (1946-),  “Perugia & La Catedral de Taxco”.
Published by Editions Orphee.
8 Pages.

Author’s Note:

“Both pieces were inspired by beautiful cities in America and Europe.  Taxco Cathedral, also named Santa Prisca,  is located ‎at the state of Guerrero, Mexico.  Built in the year 1759,  this majestic,  pink-stoned,  colonial styled church shows a typical “churrigueresca” façade. ‎  Having the goal to get closer to the religious and spiritual character of this ancient Cathedral,  I decided to mesh medieval ‎and contemporary sounds.  On the other hand,  having composed this piece almost totally within a graphic writing,  it gave ‎me the flexibility of getting inside these old musics,  so intimately related to the imposing temple.‎  Through the piece,  we will hear sounds simulating or evoking church bells,  Gregorian Chants,  indigenous melodies,  the horns of automobiles cruising nearside the Cathedral,  even touches of Flamenco music that can be identified with the “churrigueresco” style of the old building.  I would like to point out that this work was written to honor the ‎Cathedral and the Taxco International Guitar Festival,  directed by Juan Carlos Laguna.  The piece is dedicated to Chilean ‎guitarist,  Carlos Antonio Pérez. ‎  The city of Perugia,  like Taxco,  is built on the tops of hills.  In Perugia’s instance,  it elegantly descends toward the Tiber ‎Valley.  Its beautiful urban helmet,  identified by a nucleus of Etruscan origin,  is encased by medieval walls.  The piece I ‎present to you,  a solo for guitar,  like the city’s architecture,  is characterized by frequent and sudden contrasts.  It is ‎dedicated to Leonardo de Angelis,  a current Professor at the Conservatory of Perugia.”