Store » Iznaola, Ricardo. Concert Etudes w/CD

Iznaola, Ricardo. Concert Etudes w/CD


*  For Solo Guitar


SKU: 001019 Category:


Ricardo Iznaola (1949-), “Concert Etudes: Ten Etudes-Homages & Death of Icarus”
Book/CD Set.
56 Pages.

This collection for solo classic guitar includes a set of Ten Etudes-Homages,  written between 1970 and 1977,  and the tone poem Death of Icarus (Etude No. 11),  written in 1982.  The Etudes-Homages represent the composer’s personal exploration of Romantic virtuosity applied to the guitar,  written during an important formative period in the composer’s life.  As such,  they are not only studies in advanced instrumental techniques,  but also studies in style.  Each of the studies borrows the essence,  if not the letter,  of the composer honored in the homage,  but seen through a wide angle lens that provides context not necessarily present in the output of those composers.

Death of Icarus is a tone poem written in memory of the great guitarist Regino Sainz de la Maza.  Its open ended conclusion underlines the spirit of curiosity,  optimism,  and risk-taking that defines the aesthetics of the Romantic movement in general.